Sunday Worship
Our Praise and Worship service on Sunday is a joyful time of singing, prayer, fellowship, and listening to God's word through scriptures and Pastor Tim's messages. There is a little something for everyone, which is sometimes hard to do. And we feel we do it really well. We invite you to come join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. (come early for donuts and coffee!) and see if this might be a place where you can connect to God and a faith family!

We also love kids at First UMC. We have a coloring table by the entrance for them anytime they want to worship through coloring instead of in a pew. Plus there is Children's Church right after Children's time during the service. There is also a nursery available for those who want it.
Please know that while all these ways for your little to worship are available, we love to have them hang out with us during worship too. And if they get a little noisy, awesome! It is signs of life and how could a Christian family not love that!
Please know that while all these ways for your little to worship are available, we love to have them hang out with us during worship too. And if they get a little noisy, awesome! It is signs of life and how could a Christian family not love that!
So come give us a try, and if you aren't in the area, you can find us live on
YouTube or Facebook each Sunday.
We'd love to see you soon!
YouTube or Facebook each Sunday.
We'd love to see you soon!